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Substack (mailing list e-diary of sorts, unpolished messy writings)

Hi! I'm Priyaa. I like to read, cry about the moon and play with the void deck cats. 

I started sharing my art online in 2018. With Inkipri, I try to house intimate, brutally vulnerable elements of real life into a whimsical and surreal visual worldscape.

I see my creatures as the insides-out of our human selves; they don band-aids and tears, even amidst the good, and wonkystars and tulips, even amidst the bad. There is always a clump of scribble on (or in!) their chest. Is it hollow or overbrimming? Is it a gaping pit of yearning or the cosmos spilling at its seams? That's for you to make out however you need to.

I hope to convey the one thing I'm forever fascinated by, that is: the human experience is more diverse than we can grasp but much, much more unified than we can fathom.

Thank you for being <3

Personal commissions are open!.
I am open for freelance work and brand collaborations.
(Email: inkipriart@gmail.com)

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